
Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Day of School

Well we couldn't finish the year off with any typical day! We decided to have a fabulous and fun beach party! It was so busy with packing away our goods, finishing projects, playing outside and watching movies that I didn't even have time to realize that is truly was the last day. I am glad we ended the year with such excitement, joy and fun, yet I am so sad to say goodbye to this group. This group surprised me in more ways than one - they are all reading books, they all know the elements of reciprocal teaching by heart, each student was benchmarked in our DIBELS, all of them met their NWEA goals, they successfully did the daily 5, they can all write multiple sentences, most of them can tie their shoes, and they all seemed to enjoy singing our daily songs and stating the husky pride pledge. They were awesome, and I couldn't be more proud! Thank you to all my 2010-2011 rangers. You'll always be in my heart!
Sending you Smiles and Sunshine this Summer!
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I Won't Complain, I won't Complain... we have been seriously complaining about the cold, yucky miserable weather for far too long. So what does mother nature do? Yup, the last week of school she decides to give us what we asked for - in the most extreme way possible. Now I am not one to complain, but seriously, our classroom is in the back of the dome, as far away from the AC as you can get in this school. So we have been...well...miserably hot this week! We been putting our water bottles in the freezer and washing our faces with cold water every bathroom break to help beat the heat. But during brain break today, we somehow found some relaxation. We turned the lights down low, grabbed some cold napkins, turned on some soft tunes, put our heads back and just relaxed. Now kindergarten isn't usually the most relaxing of grade levels - its happy, its energetic, its playful, and its awesome - but relaxation is a rarity. So we are happy to say we found a little bliss in our hot, hot days.