
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Suprise Baby Shower!

Well not only did this Friday bring heat, a Spanish Lesson, and the risser run, but we also had a surprise baby shower! When we returned from reading with the third graders our room was filled with mothers, decorations, books, cupcakes, and fun! It was incredible! I couldn't have asked for a better way to end our week and I couldn't be more grateful for all these mothers did to plan such an amazing event!
We measured my belly with toilet paper, they wrote scrapbook page thoughts about Baby R, they estimated how many jelly beans were in a bottle, they all received money to purchase books for us at the Sunshine Baby store, we opened sweet gifts, and ate delicious cupcakes!  
Please enjoy the smilebox that Becky put together that shows ALL the planning and preparation that went into this day! I will forever be amazed by your thoughtfulness and big hearts.
To my parents - thank you for all you've done this year to make it so unforgettable. 
To my students - thank you for making each day a new learning adventure and an exciting memory! 

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Risser Run

Well after weeks of training, practicing, and stretching we finally had our Risser Run! It is our school wide run that is .6 miles around our school neighborhood. It was great seeing all the families there to run with their children or cheer them on as they ran. At the end we enjoyed some yummy popsicles and ice cold water to help us escape the heat from the day! Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Have a Cupcake, With Your Cupcake!

We all know how important mothers are in our lives. So the Rangers wanted to take a day to bring all their mothers in for a class luncheon. We spent a good portion of our morning preparing for our moms. We cleaned our classroom, we decorated our tables with personalized place mats, and we practiced our performance. Yes, we even had a performance! 
As each mom, sister, or grandma came in, each of the Rangers faces lit up. And what a wonderful, warm, and quite cozy turnout we had! The moms and students ate their lunches, talked, and learned a little about what we do in the classroom. After our bellies we full, the Rangers snuck out of the room to get ready for their show. We performed one poem and handed out our forever bouquets. 
Mommy, it's your special day, 
And it's time for me to say 
I'm glad for all the things you do. 
Thank you, Mommy, I love you! 
And then we sang three songs about our fabulous moms and finally they all enjoyed a delicious chocolate or chocolate chip cupcake! We hope you enjoyed the show and please know that appreciate ALL that you do!
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Spring Concert!

We had our Spring Concert on Friday and it was quite the spectacular show! We start everyday by greeting one another in different ways, sharing something, doing a unique activity and reading our morning message. Since everyone looked like a superstar, we decided to bow or courtesy to one another.

Thanks to all the parents that came for their Lights, Camera, Action performance! We had quite a few "Hollywood Superstars" at the show! Here is a slideshow for you to enjoy!

Lights, Camera, ACTION! -

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tiempo de bailar! (Time to Dance!)

Today in Spanish we learned some new dances! As a class we dance and sing fairly frequently. Okay...we do it all the time! But today we got to see kids from the Spanish cultures that used dancing as their main form of entertainment. We watched videos on young kids doing the jive, the The Flamenco, the La Raspa, and the salsa (click on the dance to see the videos that we watched)! Of course Señora Gersich thought we should learn to do one of the dances! So she taught us la raspa! We started with Alex and Marissa modeling for us. She even had some proper attire for us to dress up in!

We definitely got a workout in!
Then we got the whole class involved! Check out what we learned! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

¡hola! ¿Cómo estás?

Well we have some exciting news in our kindergarten classroom! We have begun learning Spanish! Señora Gersich will be coming in on Tuesdays and Thursdays to teach us a little about the Spanish language, the Spanish culture, and Spanish phrases.
This week we practiced greeting one another, counting up to ten using a song and a little about the Spanish culture. We even got to enjoy some fresh mangos!

Learning Challenge: Tonight when you get home ask your child to greet you using their Spanish words (¡Hola! me llamo ______.) Then ask them to count up to ten for you with their dos manos (two hands). Enjoy the pictures and videos and we hope to keep you updated with all that we are learning!