
Monday, October 29, 2012

Working With Numbers

We have been working on learning our numbers in Kindergarten. We start small - numbers 0-9 to reinforce that ALL numbers are created by using these numbers. We have learned rhymes for these numbers, made number books with these numbers and written these numbers. Below are some pictures of us learning these numbers! Next week we begin learning our Tricky Teens! Stay updated for another classroom rap!

Number Rhymes 
(practice saying these with your child to reinforce how to write the numbers)
1: Draw a line and then you're done, that is how you make a one
2:  Candy cane and then a line, makes a two every time
3: Around the tree, around the tree, that is how you make a three
4: Down and over, and down some more, that is how your make a four
5: Down, and around, see the duck dive, make a bill and there's your five.
6: A stick and a hoop, do the tricks, that is how you make a six.
7: Across the sky and down from heaven, that is how you make a seven.
8: Make a Ss and do not wait, close the gate and there's your eight. 
9: Draw a circle, then a line, that is how you make a nine.

Writing Numbers in Sand
Writing Numbers in Sand
Writing Numbers Using Wiki Sticks (bendables)
Writing numbers using rainbow writing & finger spacing.
Writing Numbers using crayon rubbings.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Birthday Graphs

This week in Math we learned about how to read simple graphs - both vertical and horizontal. So as a class we created a vertical and horizontal graph using our birthdays and our age. Then we wrote down our results. Then as a class we asked questions about our graph. 
  • Is there more 5 year old or more 6 year olds?
  • How many more 5 year olds are there than 6 year olds?
  • How many birthdays are in November & December combined? 
  • Which month had the least amount of birthdays?

They did amazing answering all the questions and even creating their own questions! Check out our results and I hope you had a chance to look at your child's graph that they brought home. 

Our horizontal graph showing which month our birthdays are in.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fire Prevention Week

Last week and this week we will be learning all about fire prevention - how to stop drop and roll, staying low to the ground, what to do if we are ever in a fire at home or at school, and how to prevent fires. We also practiced a fire drill at school once and we will do it once more this next week.
On Wednesday, we got a special surprise and we had the firefighters come to give us a presentation. They showed us what they wear, how they stay protected and what they do to make sure we are always safe!
Then we went outside and learned about tools and gadgets that make fire trucks unique. We even got to tour the fire truck! We took home some fun fire hats to remind us of all the things we heard, saw, and learned today. 
Enjoy the photos. Who knows...maybe we have some future fire fighters on our hands!  
Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

Challenge: Create a fire safety plan with your family and talk about ways to prevent fires in your home.