
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Roll and Record with Multiple Dice

Today we are playing roll and record with our iPads. We are divided into groups for this - Group One and Group Two. Parents, you may play this simple addition game with your child at home for additional practice.

Group One:
Group Two:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

iPads in Kindergarten!!

Hello Parents!

We have been using iPads in our classrooms to further enrich our learning on Math and Reading skills! Here is our latest math lesson on subtraction! Click here to listen and do the activity with your child at home! 

Harper doing teen numbers on the iPads.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kindergarten Riddles

We have been working hard on riddles in Kindergarten and this week we got together with our 2nd grade C.A.T. friends (Cross Age Tutoring). We meet with our CAT friends every Friday to work on a different reading skill - predicting, questioning, predicting, summarizing, characters, etc. This week our skill was making inferences. The 2nd grade students read poems to us and then we had to infer what or who the poem was talking about based on the clues in the poems. After that we showed off our abilities to make riddles with our second grade friends. Here is what we came up with!