
Monday, April 29, 2013

Name Collection on the iPads

Click to watch the video on Name Collections!

Name Collections Worksheet
White Board

Spring has Sprung! Maybe...

Even though the Wendy the Weather lady is telling us a MUCH different tale, we are hoping that her prediction for snow later this week is incorrect! Last week and today we did a lot of our learning outside - calendar, math, and read to self. 
It. Was. Awesome!

We had a lot of fun learning, playing and growing outside! 
Here's to hoping that this nice Spring weather is here to stay!
Check out some fun Spring Projects that we have been working on! 
 Painted Flowers and Flower Writing!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Singing About Coins!

We have been working really hard to recognize our coins, add coin combinations together and do different coin exchanges. Each student brought in a bag of each coin and this is our coin rap to help us remember that when we have certain coin combinations, we can exchange them for a different coin! 

We have quite the group of dancers and singers! We hope you have fun watching our brains grow!

Earth Day 2013

For Earth Day we discussed what we could do to help our Earth. We discussed the process of recycling, using less energy, helping to pick up trash and many more. Typically, I do a lot of teaching outside on Earth Day and we go around wearing our gloves to pick up our school grounds. Unfortunately, our school grounds have a blanket of snow on them, so we will have to help pick up our Earth once Spring really arrives! Which I hope is soon! Luckily it was a sunny day so for most of the day, so we had our lights off and we even went Smart Board free for the day to conserve energy! We also made sure that all our scrap papers made it into the recycling bin. We know what we did was small, but each little thing makes such a difference. Tonight for homework, each child was to go home and talk with their family about one way they could help save the Earth - big or little! Tomorrow morning we will share what we did for the remainder of Earth Day with our class during our morning meeting sharing time! Can't wait to hear all the wonderful ideas that each family came up with! :)
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Learning With Miss Anderson & Miss Vollmer

We have been very fortunate to have 2 wonderful teacher candidates from MSU in our for the past few weeks. They are with us in the morning to help with morning meetings, whole group reading and small group reading. This week they gave us a taste test. They wanted to determine if we liked a particular brand of apple juice more than the other. The two juices we compared were Motts Apple Juice and Great Value Apple Juice. 

First we compared the two bottles and made predictions about which juice we thought would taste better just based on looks. Here were some of their Predictions: 
The Great Value Juice was lighter, so it must have less sugar. 
The Mott's was better because they have had that kind before.
Great Value was healthier.  
Motts would taste better. 

Then we tested the Juice. Each cup was labeled A or B, so they didn't know which juice they were drinking. Then they individually voted for which juice they preferred.

They graphed their results and their predictions were actually correct! More of the students liked Motts Apple Juice vs. Great Value Apple Juice. 

We had a great time tasting the juices and graphing our results!
Thanks Miss Anderson and Miss Vollmer for the Fun Activity!