
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Escape to Wonderland!

We were lucky enough to have the MSU theatre department come on Tuesday afternoon and put on a play for us! It was called "Escape to Wonderland." It was based around the story of Alice in Wonderland, but it talked about friendship, making good decisions and consequences. The kids really got into the show and they were clapping, laughing and even hiding the teapot from the Mad Hatter! 

Here are a few snapshots from the show! 
Alice Meeting Absolem, the Caterpillar, in Wonderland. 
The queen scolding the White Rabbit for being Late for an Important Date!

Alice getting advice from The Cheshire Cat. 
Finding the Teapot for the Tea Party! Makaylah from our class was actually in charge of hiding it! 
The Wonderland Friends reminding Alice about making good choices! 
The queen trying to convience Alice to listen to her! Alice did the right thing though!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Roll and Record 4.8

Today we are playing roll and record with our iPads. We are divided into groups for this - Group One and Group Two. Parents, you may play this simple addition game with your child at home for additional practice.

Group One:
Group Two:

BUILD Information

Hello Educators! 
 Here is the video and documents that were shown at the presentation today! Feel free to email me ( or Amber ( with any questions that you have regarding BUILD! Thank You!


You may find all these items on Google Docs under my name: 

BUILD Daily Schedule

BUILD Explanation Set Up

BUILD Posters Small

BUILD Posters

Lesson Plans for BUILD