
Monday, March 31, 2014

 For BUILD this week you can click here to watch the video on the 100 Number Grid!
100 grid worksheet
Crayon Cup 
Play a game on the internet to practice placing numbers on your 100-grid!
Group 1: Click Here

Group 2: Click Here

Group 3: Click Here

Group 4: Click Here

Group 5: Click Here

Friday, March 14, 2014

Leprechaun Note #3

When we got back from art today we found out the writing center was missing its green tray, we were missing our green morning bins, our green seat baskets and our green scissor bin! 

Where the "GREEN TRIANGLE" sign usually hung, this is what we found: 

Dear Class,
Thank you so much for helping me find my hat! To thank you for helping me out, I left a treat in your classroom!

Your Friend,
Lucky Leprechaun

We sat down at our tables and saw that he had left us a delicious green snack! When we opened them we discovered chocolate inside! We felt very lucky and decided our kindness definitely paid off. Now if he would only bring back all our green items....

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Leprechaun Note #2

Today brought many surprises! When we got back from gym class today, we discovered little shamrocks sprinkled all over the floor. At first we didn't think much about them, but then we found out the the green table was missing their "GREEN" table sign and their green tray of water! Where the "GREEN" sign usually hung, this is what we found:

Dear Robots,
I popped in to visit, but you were not here! I have a problem that I hope you can solve. While I was dancing around your room, I seemed to of lost my hat! I was really hoping that you could look around and find it for me. If you can find it, I will come back to get it! Oh, I also borrowed a few green items from your classroom. I hope you don’t mind!

Your Friend,
Lucky Leprechaun is a leprechaun after all! And not only did he leave his hat behind, he left the trail of shamrocks behind! We followed the trail as a class and we did a little bit of hunting and we found the hat! It was hidden in the front of the room. Therefore, we had a class meeting to discuss if we should give the hat back. As a class we decided that we should give it back, because it is the kind thing to do, and we feel like he must be friendly as well because the note said he was just dancing in our room and it also stating that he didn't "steal" the items, he is just "borrowing" them. So he must be a friendly leprechaun!

So we are going to set it out in the morning with a note. Hopefully this act of kindness pays off!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mystery Note....

Today, we found a note on SMART Board and we are trying to figure out who it could possibly be from. This is what it said:

Dear Rangers, 
I LOVE green, 
And soon NONE will be seen!
Your Friend, 
We discovered that we are some of our green scissors, a green pillow, and two our green "I Can Read" sign. Now, some of us think that it may be a teacher borrowing these items, some think that it is Mr. Green, and some even think it may be an ACTUAL Leprechaun visiting our classroom!!We will keep you updated as our week progresses!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dr. Seuss

It was Dr. Seuss' Birthday on Sunday. So this month we will be working on earning a invitation to his birthday party! His party will be on Friday, March 21st. We each have a punch card and every time we are spotted giving our best, we will earn another check mark! 
Today we read the book "The Cat in the Hat." On the last page the story asks, "What would you do, if your mother asked you?"Here is their comments on if they would tell their mother's if the cat in the hat came and made a mess, or if they would fib and not tell you! Read their creative comments! 

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Coin Counting for BUILD

We are learning about coins this week. Please watch the video and use your white board to complete the questions!
If time permits, play the coin counting game by clicking here.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Olympic Readers

February was I Love to Read Month! 

To encourage the love of reading we had an Olympic Theme for the month!  We put together an Olympic Reader bulletin board with podiums. Each podium was worth 200 minutes of reading, with a 1,000 minutes at the top! Each student brought in attached reading logs to keep track of minutes read or minutes spent on word work, letter work, etc. Here was our progress throughout this month! 

After adding up all our minutes we read a total of 11,734 minutes this month! 

Week Two
Week 3
Week 4 
They all received a gold medal for their amazing work with reading!
Way to Go Champions!!