
Sunday, November 30, 2014

November News

Check Out all our Cute Classroom Projects in November!
 Turkey Bags
Thanksgiving Number Stories
We are thankful for eachother! 
 Handpainted Turkeys
Fill in the Blank Poems
 Ss is for Scarecrows & 
Rainbow Writing Names on Turkey Feathers
Symmetrical Turkeys

Friday, November 14, 2014

Ecology Bus

Every year we are lucky enough to have the ecology bus come to our school to help us learn more about the animals that we have been learning in our reading and science units! They discuss different animal habitats, families, and what different animals need to survive. The students are always amazed at what they bring in and what they have to share! 
Here are a few snapshots from our day!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Book Character Day!

Every month we celebrate those students who have read or been read to for at least 400 minutes or more at home. As a school we have a 400 Club Celebration. This month, we had Book Character Day! It was so much fun seeing the students excited about their favorite book characters! Here are a few snapshots of the day! 

What to know what's up next? Here's a list of our 400 club days! 
December 5th:  Pajama Day
January 9th:  Grade Colors (more to come)
February 6th: Neon Day
March 6th:  Sports wear
April 3rd:   Hat Day
May 1st:  Wacky Hair 
May 29th:  Twin/Triplet/Quadruplet Day

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Macaroni Necklaces

 We have been working on patterns a lot in kindergarten. We work on recognizing patterns, extending patterns, and creating our own. Today we got to make noodle necklaces! We used ABABAB patterns or ABCABC patterns. They turned out great and the students loved making them! Check out our hard work!