
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh How I Hate Goodbyes...

Well, you can definitely feel it and especially hear it...the end of the school year is here! The past few weeks have been EXTRA full of energy, colored pictures, hugs, and sweet compliments. My pandas all seem very eager and anxious to move into the first grade and they have been working hard to show me that they are more than capable. Me on the other hand...I am not so sure I am ready! I am proud to say I have only had one minor meltdown in front of them and rest assured they were there to comfort me. But let's be honest, tomorrow is a whole new story. I am sure I will be filling a bundle of emotions. I am sad to see them go, but I know they will all be off to do grand things. Hope you enjoy the slide show of our final field trip together at Sibley Park!

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