
Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Day of School!

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Well the day has finally arrived and already passed - can you believe it?! We started our day talking about how to be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe Rangers. But most importantly we discussed how to Try Our Best each and every day! Then we read the story "The Night Before Kindergarten" and shared drawings with the class.
Next we went on a Safari Hunt with our Rainforest Ranger hats and we used our binoculars to "spot" new areas and new friends. During the safari we discovered that we have an office, a library, a computer room, a music room, an art room, a gym, a cafeteria and A LOT of teachers and classrooms! As one Ranger said "It's like a BIG high school, for little people!" And indeed it is.
We also read "The Kissing Hand" and painted our own hands on puzzles and placed hearts in the middle. This symbolizes how a parent can kiss a child's hand and their love will stay with them throughout the day, no matter where they are.
We had a very busy, yet fun-filled day! We cannot wait until tomorrow! Day Two...Bring it On!

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