
Friday, January 28, 2011

Wonderful Writing

Okay...I am not trying to brag. But our writing has incredibly improved! Not only do we work on our writing for 15 minutes everyday, but today I had 5 students choose to "Work on Writing" as their kid time choice! They have a love and a knack for writing that is so fun to watch and observe their growth! This week their writing project was to create an Animal ABC Book. They were all given a letter and they had to think of an animal that began with that letter and something to describe that letter. Look at our results! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ready, Set, Tie!

There are many goals that we strive to reach by the end of the year. Some of these goals are academic based such as knowing our letter names and sounds, skip counting, reading books, creating number stories, etc. Other goals that we have are more developmental. There is always one goal in kindergarten that you won't find in our curriculum or learn from everyday school rules - shoe tying! It is vital to help them move away from the Velcro and onto the laced up Nike's. So I decided we needed a plan, more so a program to help my rangers reach their goal.
On Monday we began our Shoe Tying Club. We talked about it all last week and covered all the rules. This eliminates a lot of questions and confusion BEFORE the club actually opens.
Here's the Rules:
1. You must tie your shoes at least three different times on three different days.
2. You must only show me you can tie your shoes first thing when you come in the morning, after recess, or during kid time– any other time will not count.
3. You will get a check for each time you can successfully tie your shoes, on your own, with no help or guidance from me.
4. After three checks, you’re in the club!

What do you Get?!
1. A fancy card, prominently
displayed in the classroom, announcing to the world that you can tie your shoes!
2. Your choice of fancy, fun, fantastic shoelaces !
3. You will become Mrs. Rehder's assistant and be able to help others learn to tie their shoes.

Needless to say I have never seen such determination from my kiddos. They come in practice their skills - showing me their improvement from the night before. They spend their brain break quietly practicing. They even spend their kid time helping each other and reciting rhymes. It's fascinating. And it's working~ to quit those knots from occurring...
 Well earned Sponge Bob, Hello Kitty, and Spiderman Shoelaces

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Magic Stick

There is something so fabulous about kindergarten, well there are a lot of fabulous things about kindergarten. But one of my favorite things, is their imagination. It makes my job a whole lot easier knowing that they won't second guess when I tell them that I have "Wendy the Weather Lady" watching us through they SMART Board everyday to tell us all about the weather. Their bodies straighten, their mouths close, and their ears perk up. You can ask, and they will tell you, she expects them to give their very best day in and day out. Just the mention of her name is like magic. 
Which brings me to my next point. I created a magic stick. I told them the it marks anyone's hand that is showing their husky pride - by being respectful, being responsible, being safe, and trying their best. The color and scent of the stick changes every day. This keeps them intrigued and they truly believe that the stick is magic. I too think it is. I mean if I can get a tube of scented chapstick to quiet 21 kindergarten, it must be some form of magic.
Ah yes...imagination is a blissful thing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Body Shapes

This week in math we have been focusing on the different attributes of shapes - the size, colors, thickness, and names of each shapes. They love watching how the shapes can rotate, grow, and/or on our SMART Board too. We decided to take over the dome to see if we could work as teams to create shapes with our bodies!
The students did a magical job. The rules were that only the leader could talk, they had to work as a team to create the shape and they
had to hold that shape until they were checked off by Miss Mahoney or myself. 
Look at how we did! 
