
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Magic Stick

There is something so fabulous about kindergarten, well there are a lot of fabulous things about kindergarten. But one of my favorite things, is their imagination. It makes my job a whole lot easier knowing that they won't second guess when I tell them that I have "Wendy the Weather Lady" watching us through they SMART Board everyday to tell us all about the weather. Their bodies straighten, their mouths close, and their ears perk up. You can ask, and they will tell you, she expects them to give their very best day in and day out. Just the mention of her name is like magic. 
Which brings me to my next point. I created a magic stick. I told them the it marks anyone's hand that is showing their husky pride - by being respectful, being responsible, being safe, and trying their best. The color and scent of the stick changes every day. This keeps them intrigued and they truly believe that the stick is magic. I too think it is. I mean if I can get a tube of scented chapstick to quiet 21 kindergarten, it must be some form of magic.
Ah yes...imagination is a blissful thing.

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