
Friday, February 4, 2011

How Full is Your Bucket?

Well we are finally to that time of year where we need a little something to help us remember our job while we are at school. I am 100% for positive reinforcement in my classroom, so rather than taking things away. I am always looking for fun and exciting elements to add to reinforce those positive behaviors. So we have become bucket fillers
Let me explain. We all carry an invisible bucket that contains our feelings. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When our bucket is empty, we feel sad. A bucket filler is someone who says or does nice things for other people. By doing this, they are filling other people's buckets and filling their own bucket at the same time.
On the other hand, a bucket dipper says or does things to cause other people to feel bad. A bucket dipper empties their bucket when they say and do mean things.
In our classroom, each student has a bucket on our Bucket Filler bulletin board. Everyone is encouraged to fill each other's buckets by putting in a warm fuzzy anytime someone says kind words or compliments to each other. At the end of the week, we empty the buckets and look at the nice things our friends left for us when they filled our buckets.
We are very excited to watch our buckets fill up with happiness! 
Us with our Buckets full of Happiness!

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