
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Can't Catch Me!

I'm the gingerbread man!
This morning we read a story about the Gingerbread man and how he continues to run from different animals saying, "Run, Run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!"
After we finished the story we took our bathroom break and Marissa found a gingerbread boy popping out from one of our bathroom signs! But we couldn't catch him that easy, when we looked closely at him we found a clue saying:
Run, Run
As fast as you can, 
You can't catch me,
I'm the Gingerbread Man
Look for me where there are lots of books!

So we decided to go back to our room to look in our reading center. Unfortunately, we didn't see any other clues. Mackenzie decided that we should check the library since that also has a lot of books. We all agreed and grabbed our Ranger hats and worked our way down to the library. We discussed how we cannot talk or he might hear us. So, if we were to see the gingerbread man, not to yell out, but rather to stop, look and point so we can sneak up on him. Shortly after arriving at the library we found another clue. This time he said:
I've read lots of books,
But I'm gone, can't you see?
I'm a gingerbread man
And you can't catch me!
Look for me by the friendly face who answers the phone in a busy place.
After some discussion we headed to the Hoover office. There we found:
The secretaries have a friendly face,
And answer the phones in a busy place.
Next, find me by the leader of our school.
We tried to think of who the leader of our school was. One student even shouted out, "It's Mr. Green!" (our school custodian). Although that was a good guess, we decided we should venture off to Mr. Kamphoff's office instead!  This is what we read:
This is the Principal's office.
He is nice, you know.
But he told me not to run,
But to walk, wherever I go. Now go find me where we eat together.
Right away we knew we were headed to our lunchroom. As soon as we approached the door we saw this: 
This is the lunchroom. 
These friends like us a bunch,
And always make sure we have a good lunch.
I'm getting a bit tired as you can see,
Room 220 is where I'll be! 

We couldn't wait to get back to our classroom. One friend made sure to remind us that there was absolutely no talking, and that we should tip-toe just in case he was still walking in the hall to our classroom. When we made it to our room, we searched high, we searched low, but we didn't find him. The whole day we worked so hard to stay quiet and do our job. We thought if we were quiet enough, that he might pop out, or give us another clue.
Toward the end of the day, we realized that we still needed to have snack. So I opened the cupboards to grab our goodies and we finally discovered our last clue! We figured he was probably hiding in there the whole time watching us all day! This is what he said:
I've run and run and I need some rest.
I think this room is the best!
I've left some cookies, for you to enjoy! 
Don't eat gingerbread, Eat Chips Ahoy! 

And we did! Each one of us got to enjoy a small chocolate cookie. We had earned it after our long day of reading about the gingerbread man, hunting for the gingerbread man, graphing if we were a gingerbread boy or gingerbread girl, and most importantly rapping about the gingerbread man! It was too cute not to capture on camera! Hope you enjoy our Rapping Rangers! They can definitely bust a move :)

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