
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fun in the Fall

In health we have been talking about sharing, caring, feelings and friends. Since we don’t have many fun fall days left, I decided to embrace the weather and take our lesson outside. We talked about how sometimes doing things on your own is difficult – moving things, cleaning up, playing sports, playing games, and even going to Kindergarten. We decided that sometimes, rather than working alone, it is better to work as a team, because as a team, we are stronger.
So for the activity today we had 1 minute to create a leaf pile that went up to our hips. I first let them go at it for one minute alone, creating their own piles. 
Needless to say our piles weren’t very high and it was a difficult feat! Next we had one minute to work as a team to create one large pile.
Our goal was to make it up to our hips again. After one minute we stood around it and the pile was above ALL of the student’s hips! 
We were excited and decided to celebrate. 
 This showed us that working together as a team can be much more rewarding that just working by yourself. 
 Here’s to teamwork and having fun in the fall!

Earlier this year we read a story called “Bundle of Sticks.” Ask your child if they can explain how teamwork is similar to the story “Bundle of Sticks” and what teamwork at home and at school means to them!

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