
Monday, February 13, 2012

A Day with Fancy Nancy!

Well she finally came! Fancy Nancy was here on Friday and it was quite the experience! There was lots of oohing and ahhing over her the whole day. We even had some second graders sneak down to our room to sneak a peak! They were all in wonder! Throughout the day Nancy read us a story, helped us with Valentine projects, checked our numbers and let us try on her clothes! Yes you heard right, we literally had a fashion show with all her (well the students) fancy things!
We got into groups and had to figure out what was fancy about our partner and what made them a great friend! They did an AWESOME job and I really didn't have to do much! They were so respectful and really seemed to love this activity! I hope you enjoy the videos and slideshow below! It was quite the experience!

A HUGE thank you goes out to Becky Gersich for coming in to take all of our pictures! They turned out perfect!

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