
Monday, November 26, 2012

Tricky Teens

There is so much that kindergartners are expected to know and do at such a young age, but when it comes down to it, they are still kids. They need to move, they need to be silly, and they need to have fun. So rather than just teaching the curriculum from a book. I am always trying to incorporate hands on and interactive ways for them to learn.  Our biggest focus lately has been learning and recognizing those tricky teens! P.S. They are tricky because kids want to say, oneteen, twoteen, threeteen, etc.).
Here are some ways that we have been learning: 
Work on Writing: 
We have written the numbers in paint, in sand, and in clay. The helps us see the number and create the numbers in various ways. 
Memory Match:
For this game the students first have to put the numbers 11-20 in order. Then they have match up the corresponding dots with each number. After they are done with both parts, they can find a partner who has been checked off and flip a set of cards over to play memory match (finding a number and dots that match).
Teen Number Sparkle:
We have played sparkle using tricky teens (this would be good to play with your family for spelling words, counting, or skip counting). With teen number sparkle, we start in a circle, one student starts at 10 and we go around the circle until 19, then the next student says sparkle, and the student after that is out. We continue going around until we have one friend standing to be the Terrific Teen Number Winner!
Teen Tangle:
We also play a game called Teen Tangle. It is much like Twister, but with teen numbers. The kids love getting all tangled up with this game and recognizing their numbers while doing it!
Singing and Dancing:
For tricky teens we have a rap about how numbers in the teens they start with a one! We put actions to it to get their bodies moving and grooving and recognizing those tricky teens!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey Time

Come on its Turkey Time!
I hope this video puts you all in the mood for the remainder of this week! 
Enjoy your break! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Long Ago Day

In Social Studies we have been learning about what it was like long ago. So on Friday, we had Long Ago Day at school!  Several students came to school dressed in their long ago day outfits as we spent the day pretending that we are children who lived, worked, and played long ago in America.
In the morning our second grade CAT (Cross Age Tutoring) friends came in and helped us make collars, hats, and complete a then and now worksheet. Then during small groups we made corn bread and wrote about long ago. Then later in the day we did work on writing using chalkboards!
Toward the end of the day we visited a website about what it was like long ago and discussed similarities and differences from long ago and today! Watch our Smilebox to see some pictures and read more details about our Long Ago Day!
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pajama Day!!

Since we were learning about the letter Pp, we decided have a Pajama, Punch, Pizza, and Popcorn Party! We definitely had to earn this party through good behavior and by showing our Husky Pride! Today, we all showed up in our best pajamas and we had a grand time. We started the day by reading
"If you give a Pig a Party." We used our fantastic four friends to help us make predictions, questions, and clarifications while we read. At the end of the story we summarized all the main ideas!
It also happened to be bring your favorite stuffed animal to school that day! It was so fun to see all the students snuggle up with their favorite animal and read to self! 
Hope this picture warms your heart!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012