
Friday, November 16, 2012

Long Ago Day

In Social Studies we have been learning about what it was like long ago. So on Friday, we had Long Ago Day at school!  Several students came to school dressed in their long ago day outfits as we spent the day pretending that we are children who lived, worked, and played long ago in America.
In the morning our second grade CAT (Cross Age Tutoring) friends came in and helped us make collars, hats, and complete a then and now worksheet. Then during small groups we made corn bread and wrote about long ago. Then later in the day we did work on writing using chalkboards!
Toward the end of the day we visited a website about what it was like long ago and discussed similarities and differences from long ago and today! Watch our Smilebox to see some pictures and read more details about our Long Ago Day!
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