
Sunday, February 17, 2013

100th Day of School

We have been waiting in anticipation for this day for quite some time! We did so many activities to celebrate our 100th day of school. 
We started the day with everyone piling in wearing 100 objects and carrying their 100 objects! I was classic to see the creativity and time that went into their shirts! We then created our 100 item necklaces created with Fruit Loops – clearly it was a wonderful accessory to their shirts! 
Next, we added on the accessories by creating 100 Day Crowns. They not only had to cut and color the crown they also had to mark it with 100 tally marks – a new skill we’re working really hard on! 
For reading stations we had to write where we would go if we traveled 100 miles and what we would buy if we had $100.00. Then we had our 2nd grade C.A.T. buddies to help us sort our 100 items. They had so much fun sorting, organizing and counting by 10s. 
In the afternoon we had some math related activities to celebrate reaching the 100th day of school. First we went on a penny hunt. The students had to find hidden pennies and they had to match them up to the number grid. We found all but 2 pennies – they are still MIA! I am sure one day we’ll come across them! Last we had to create a 100-item snack. Yes, 100 items! The students moved around the tables and worked so quietly in groups to create their snack. It was so impressive to see their self-control and first time listening ears in action!
Tell your child to kiss their brain, because they successfully passed the 100th day of school! 

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