
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Well, today definitely brought us a day filled with luck and laughter! When we go back from Gym today there was a note on the SMART Board saying: 
Walk around the Dome twice 
And I will bring you something nice 
For all the kindness you brought to me 
I will give you back your green! 
So as a class we quietly walked around the dome twice. When we walked back in this is what we saw: 

The Leprechaun Definitely Stopped By! Green items were EVERYWHERE! The Carpet was Turned! There were chairs upside down, the green table was TIPPED OVER, a bag was filled with our green goodies, and a NEW note on the SMART Board! Before we fixed anything we sat at the carpet and read the note as a class. This is what it said! 
I had a great time playing with your green toys and flipping your room around. To thank you I left some magic powder on in the "Leprechaun in Late Winter" book you are reading. I only give this magical powder to kind kindergartners, so you should feel very honored. 
Did you find it yet? What does it smell like to you? 
Well, in order to make it magical you have to follow a few rules. 
1. Captains, grab the magical milk that I placed on your tables. 
2. Mix all the magical milk cartons and the magical powder together. 
3. As you stir, say these words: 
Leprechauns, Leprechauns, Shamrocks Seen MAGIC POWDER Turn Green! 

The captains grabbed the milk and we started reading through the directions. We thought maybe the powder would mix with the milk to make the leprechaun appear, or maybe once we mixed it our classroom would magically be clean, or maybe we were supposed to put in on our skin to turn ourselves green! When we opened the milk carton, we discovered that the milk was already green! The leprechaun even made magical milk! 

We added all the milk to the powder and kept reciting the magic words. We realized, that it was looking more like a yogurt or pudding! Maybe he wanted us to eat it!! But why?! We made predictions about what would happen if we tasted it. Maybe we would turn into Leprechauns, maybe we would be able to fly, maybe we would turn green! I decided to take the first small taste to make sure it was good. And it was delicious! Then everyone decided they definitely wanted to try the tasty dessert!

We talked as a class about why the leprechaun was so nice to our class. These are some of the ideas we came up with: 
1. We found his hat and gave it back so he thought we were kind. 
2. We let him borrow our green items. 
3. We are nice friends to have and maybe he wants to be our friend. 
 4. We are respectful Rangers and leprechauns like polite people. 
Overall we felt very lucky on this St. Patrick's Day and we wanted to share our luck with you! Hope your day was filled with as happiness, kindness, and craziness as ours!

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