
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

100th Day of School

Even though we had to break our 100th day into 2 separate days, we had a lot of fun with all the different activities. 
We started the day with everyone sharing their creative shirts covered with 100 objects! It was so fun to see the creativity and time that went into their shirts!  Then created our 100 item necklaces created with Fruit Loops – clearly it was a wonderful accessory to their shirts! They had to organize their necklaces in 10 groups of 10 to create 100 items. 
Then to warm up our bodies we did 100 exercises. Once again we broke them up into 10 groups of 10. So we did lunges, jumps, push-ups, jumping jacks and more until we got all the way to 100! 
Next we added on the accessories by creating 100 Day Crowns. They not only had to cut and color the crown they also had to mark it with 100 tally marks – a new skill we’re working really hard on!
For reading stations we also had to show what we’d look like in 100 years! Students had to describe some characteristics of older people to complete this challenge. I heard: crinkly, soft, wrinkly, no teeth, white hair, gray hair, and even no hair! Then they had to take a paper towel, crinkle it up and open it – creating a wrinkly face. That was their starting point. From there the had to draw details of what they would wear, what their hair would look like, and who would be around them. 
Unfortunately, that was our first half of the 100th day! But we finished our celebration when we came back this week! We did some math related activities to celebrate reaching the 100th day of school. 
First, they had to create a 100-item snack.  Yes, 100 items!  The students moved around the tables in groups to create their snack.   Students brought in a variety of objects so it was fun to see them all laid out. Lastly we read a book called the 100th Day of School! It was fun comparing and contrasting all the things that we did that was the same/different as the characters in the story! 

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Tell your child to kiss their brain, because they successful passed the 100th day of school!
Check out our pictures below! 

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