
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

100th Day of School

Even though we had to break our 100th day into 2 separate days, we had a lot of fun with all the different activities. 
We started the day with everyone sharing their creative shirts covered with 100 objects! It was so fun to see the creativity and time that went into their shirts!  Then created our 100 item necklaces created with Fruit Loops – clearly it was a wonderful accessory to their shirts! They had to organize their necklaces in 10 groups of 10 to create 100 items. 
Then to warm up our bodies we did 100 exercises. Once again we broke them up into 10 groups of 10. So we did lunges, jumps, push-ups, jumping jacks and more until we got all the way to 100! 
Next we added on the accessories by creating 100 Day Crowns. They not only had to cut and color the crown they also had to mark it with 100 tally marks – a new skill we’re working really hard on!
For reading stations we also had to show what we’d look like in 100 years! Students had to describe some characteristics of older people to complete this challenge. I heard: crinkly, soft, wrinkly, no teeth, white hair, gray hair, and even no hair! Then they had to take a paper towel, crinkle it up and open it – creating a wrinkly face. That was their starting point. From there the had to draw details of what they would wear, what their hair would look like, and who would be around them. 
Unfortunately, that was our first half of the 100th day! But we finished our celebration when we came back this week! We did some math related activities to celebrate reaching the 100th day of school. 
First, they had to create a 100-item snack.  Yes, 100 items!  The students moved around the tables in groups to create their snack.   Students brought in a variety of objects so it was fun to see them all laid out. Lastly we read a book called the 100th Day of School! It was fun comparing and contrasting all the things that we did that was the same/different as the characters in the story! 

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Tell your child to kiss their brain, because they successful passed the 100th day of school!
Check out our pictures below! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Check Out Our Future Leaders!

We have been talking about leaders, our country, and our flag. We have discussed the responsibilities, hard work, and dedication that it takes to be a true leader. On this President’s Day, for our work on writing, we had to write what we would do if we ever became president of the United States. Here our their creative replies! 

Hope this Smilebox brightens your day and reminds you what a bright future we have! 
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Friday, February 14, 2014

SomeBunny Loves You!

Check out our lovely cards that we made for Valentine's Day! We hope you all LOVED them :) 
Click to play this Smilebox greeting

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

400 Club Dress Up Days

Here are the Dress Up Days for the Remainder of School Year for 400 Club Celebrations: 

March 7th: 
Team/Hobby Day (wear clothing that “advertises” your interest or hobby
[Science Fair, Math Masters, baking, Twins, Vikings, local sports team, etc.]

April 4th: 
School colors-Hoover wear

May 2nd: 
Dress up like a Twin or Triplet (find a friend or two and coordinate matching outfits)

May 30th: 
Beachwear Day

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Olympic Readers!

February is “I Love to Read” month. To encourage the love of reading we will have an Olympic theme for the month!
 I have put together an Olympic Reader bulletin board with podiums. Each podium is worth 200 minutes of reading, with a 1,000 minutes at the top. 
Please use the Olympic Reading Logs that were sent home to keep track of minutes read or minutes spent on word work, letter work, etc. 
THESE MINUTES ALSO COUNT FOR OUR 400 CLUB! Please have your child return the log every time they have read 200 minutes. 
The picture above shows how the students will move up on their podiums! I will take pictures throughout the month so you can see where our class is at with their reading!! Good luck and happy reading! 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Body Shapes

This week in math we have been focusing on the different attributes of shapes - the size, colors, thickness, and names of each shapes. They love watching how the shapes can rotate, grow, and/or change on our SMART Board. We decided to take over the dome to see if we move the tables around in our rooms so we could work as teams to create shapes with our bodies! The students did a wonderful job and really showed they understood the basic qualities of each shape. Only the leader could talk to guide the students to they had to use first time listening ears and work as a team to create the shape. Then they had to hold that shape until they were checked off! 

Look at how we did! Click on the Pictures to Have them Enlarged!