
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

SeeYou Next Year!

For those of you that aren't aware, the schools are always filled with extra excitement, joy and noise during this time of year! But this past few days have been extra chaotic for the kiddos as we really haven't had a typical routine a very long time. The late starts, early dismissals, concert practicing, concerts, snow days and holiday parties really threw all my Rangers out of our daily routines, and I couldn't even blame them! But after some reminders, and hot chocolate as an incentive we officially survived our first half of kindergarten!
Yesterday morning, we went to Oak Terrace and sang our holiday songs and all the grandparents loved it! We laughed because it was snowing very hard as we walked over there, and along the way we sang our "Let it Snow" song. One student thought maybe we should sing about warm weather and sunshine and maybe the weather would turn to that! If we were only that lucky!
Then this afternoon we watched The Polar Express and enjoyed some well-earned hot chocolate and french vanilla marshmellows! We had such a great afternoon! Please enjoy our slideshow filled with our fun reindeer marshmellow gifts for our hot chocolate! We LOVED them so much! Happy Holidays from our classroom to your home!


  1. Hello Rangers!
    I too wanted to wish you happy holidays. I am so excited that I will be coming back to visit you next week! I might even sing a song and read a book for you again! I'm getting ready to visit from down under mate!

    See ya later
    Mrs Riek
