
Friday, December 10, 2010

Ten Things I Love About Teaching Kindergarten

1. Getting free daily hugs.

2. When I see a student experience an “Ah-Ha” moment. 

3. Receiving presents like pictures, cards, and sometimes unexplainable gifts from students for no reason at all.

4. When I hear my kiddos “playing teacher” during kid time. I mean in what other profession do you get to watch children pay homage to what you do each and every day!

5. Share time - you NEVER know what students are going to say to the class, show the class or ask the class!  But it is always priceless. I am fairly certain I will have a classic book of kids quotes to compose in a few short years!

6. Seeing kindergarteners faces after you tell them they ALL earned a husky pride paw – its like telling them they are all getting a free ticket to Disney Land with pop, candy, and all their favorite friends!

7. Watching students as they discover that they actually CAN read and they CAN write on their own! They are so proud and eager to learn more!

8. I get to sing, dance, play, color and read picture books every week day! 

9.  Watching 21 kindergarteners dance and/or get their wiggles out daily. Kids really do have the BEST dance moves!

10. Knowing that something you say, do, or teach can impact a student’s day, week, or even life. 

Ah yes, life is good.

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