
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Warm Welcome Back

We had a very exciting day today!
One of our student's dads came home after he was stationed in Afghanistan for the past eleven months! As a class we had been keeping the arrival a secret all day from the lucky student. While she was out of the room, we all had a discussion about where her dad has been, why he was there, and how special it was that he was now coming home. As a class, we have been talking a lot about the true meaning of the holidays lately - about how it is a time to spend with friends and family, to be thankful, and to be kind to everyone.
So today, when we got back from our gym class we knew we had the secret waiting for our special student in the reading room! As a class we counted down from 3, 2, 1...and said "Come on In!" When her dad walked through those doors, I think she was at first stunned. Then, like out of a movie, she shouted out "Daddy!" and went running into his arms. It was a silent, touching, and heartfelt moment.
Even though my rangers are only five or six, they are still very in tune with each other's feelings. As I looked at this student hugging her family, and then looked at all my little ones as they stared smiling back at this family, I realized that they all realized what the holidays really are about.

Tis' the Season!

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