
Friday, September 13, 2013

Beautiful Things!

This week one of our read alouds was called, "You're Beautiful As You Are." It is fable about a crow that wants to be just like a peacock because they are beautiful. He was unkind to his friends and told them they were dull and boring. Unfortunately, once he tried to be like a peacock and look like a peacock, he didn't really fit in. At the end we learned that "It's foolish to try and be what you're not. Learn to love the feathers you've got!" 

As a class we shared what we each thought was beautiful or special about ourselves. Each student was able to come up with their own ideas and share them with the class. Then we went around and each said something that we thought was beautiful. We got into 3 groups and the groups each drew things that were beautiful. 

At the end each group presented and did a "BEAUTIFUL" job! I was so impressed with how well they showcased their work! Kindergarten artwork always makes my heart feel happy!

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