
Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Every day we start our day with a morning meeting, which means we sit in a circle and greet eachother through handshakes, high-fives, songs, tossing a ball, etc., then we all share something, next we do some sort of an activity to get our bodies moving or our brains thinking and last we read our morinng message. 

This morning our activity was a rhyme to get to learn more about each other!

#1 - Stack your thumbs.
#2 - Shoe to shoe.
#3 - Knee to knee.
#4 - Knock on the door.
#5 - Side by side.
#6 - Finger tips.
#7 - Count to Seven

(Then we pause to introduce ourselves and find out a little about each other with a prompt from me.)

#8 - Find a new mate.
Here our some pictures from our morning activity! 

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