
Friday, September 20, 2013

Look Out for the Gingerbread Man!

Today we read the Gingerbread Man in our daily Read Alouds. Which lead us to rap about the gingerbread man! We think the ACTUAL gingerbread man enjoyed our singing and dancing so much that he picked our class to send a gift to! 

This is what we found when we got back from Gym! 

It said: 
 I've left my friends for you to snack. 
But I bet you'll never get me back! 
Look for me where there are lots of books!

So we headed to the Library!When we got there, we asked Mrs. Smith if she had seen a gingerbread man.  She hadn't, but we did find another note that he left behind. 

This Note Stated: 
I've read lots of books, 
but I'm gone can't you see?
I'm a gingerbread man and you can't catch me! 
Look for me by a friendly face 
Who answers phones in a busy place! 

So we headed to the office next! When we got there, we asked Mrs. Yetter if she had seen the gingerbread man! She hadn't seen him either! He's so sneaky! But she was able to read us another note that we found! 

She Informed Us: 
The secretaries have a friendly face, 
And answer phones in a busy place. 
I already left, but this place was cool. 
Find me by the leader of the school!

 So we headed to Mr. Kamphoff's office. Some kiddos dashed into his office and quickly began looking around. But that gingerbread man left a note on his door. 

Mr. Kamphoff read us the next clues: 
This is the principal's office. 
He's nice, you know. 
He told me not to run, 
But walk wherever I go. 
Go find me where lunches are made. 

So we tip-toed off into the cafeteria. Right away we spotted another note left behind from the Gingerbread Man. Since no one was there to read it, Ryan read it for our class. 

It said: 
This is the lunchroom. 
These friends like us a bunch, 
And they always make sure, we have a good lunch!
I'm getting tired, as you can see
Room #223, is where I'll be! 

We weren't really sure where room 223 even was! Luckily Mr. Green, the custodian came in and gave us a clue to help us figured out where room 223 was. 
 So we headed back into our classroom! When we arrived there was a note on the smart board. 
Mrs. Rehder read the final note to us:
I've run and run and need some rest. 
I think Mrs. Rehder's Room is the best!
Enjoy my gift to you!

We felt pretty lucky that he picked our class to leave gingerbread cookies for! We had fun looking for him and decided he must be one smart cookie! Hope you enjoy our gingerbread rap!!

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