
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

All About Emotions!

We have been reading books about emotions this week. One area that we've been focusing on is how to cope with our different emotions. We made charts of feelings that we have and then what to do about those feelings. Here were some of our examples: 

- share with others
- smile
- laugh
- give hug or high fives
- color
- sing

- ask for a hug
- find a person with a listening ear
- take a break 
- buddy up with a stuffed animal
- ask a friend to play

- count down
- write/color
- take a break (away from the situation)
- talk about your feelings

Then Brynn decided we should make masks with different emotions on them! After we made them, I would give a story example and the students would have to say if that particular situation would make them feel happy or sad! It was such a fun activity and hopefully it got them to understand how to different situations may effect them. 

This is a great conversation to continue at home as well! Come up with strategies, safe places and activities to do in your home, with your family for all different emotions! 

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