
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Math: Partner Match

Today in math we played a game called Partner Match. The objective was so students would understand the concept of things that are shorter vs. longer and bigger vs. smaller. Each student randomly received a blue strip and when I said go, they had to find the other student with the matching strip. The difficult part for them was that they had to line the strips up from bottom to top. Some partners measured theirs in the air, while others laid them on the ground to compare. 

After finding their partner, they were to sit facing each other. Once everyone found their partner for that round, they had to answer a quiz question (Tell your partner how many siblings they had, if any. Talk about your favorite place. Share your favorite color).

To practice at home you can walk around and find 2 objects that are the same length. Then find something shorter and something longer. Make sure that they are lining up the items from bottom to top. This helps when we get to our measuring units! 

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