
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bus Safety Week

This week was bus safety week. We learned about how to enter/exit a bus safety, riding a bus properly and how to be safe around a bus. We also ate some yummy bus snacks! On Wednesday we had the opportunity to practice a bus evacuation. We entered the bus and exited normally and then we got back on and exited as if there were an emergency. One by one we jumped out of the bus and lined up quietly outside of the danger zone. They did a fantastic job and the bus driver was very impressed with their listening! 
Listening to the bus rules.
Cheering with the Bus Driver! 

Eating their bus snacks! 
Graham crackers, frosting for paint, cookie wheels, chex mix windows and raisin people on the bus! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Look Out for the Gingerbread Man!

Today we read the Gingerbread Man in our daily Read Alouds. Which lead us to rap about the gingerbread man! We think the ACTUAL gingerbread man enjoyed our singing and dancing so much that he picked our class to send a gift to! 

This is what we found when we got back from Gym! 

It said: 
 I've left my friends for you to snack. 
But I bet you'll never get me back! 
Look for me where there are lots of books!

So we headed to the Library!When we got there, we asked Mrs. Smith if she had seen a gingerbread man.  She hadn't, but we did find another note that he left behind. 

This Note Stated: 
I've read lots of books, 
but I'm gone can't you see?
I'm a gingerbread man and you can't catch me! 
Look for me by a friendly face 
Who answers phones in a busy place! 

So we headed to the office next! When we got there, we asked Mrs. Yetter if she had seen the gingerbread man! She hadn't seen him either! He's so sneaky! But she was able to read us another note that we found! 

She Informed Us: 
The secretaries have a friendly face, 
And answer phones in a busy place. 
I already left, but this place was cool. 
Find me by the leader of the school!

 So we headed to Mr. Kamphoff's office. Some kiddos dashed into his office and quickly began looking around. But that gingerbread man left a note on his door. 

Mr. Kamphoff read us the next clues: 
This is the principal's office. 
He's nice, you know. 
He told me not to run, 
But walk wherever I go. 
Go find me where lunches are made. 

So we tip-toed off into the cafeteria. Right away we spotted another note left behind from the Gingerbread Man. Since no one was there to read it, Ryan read it for our class. 

It said: 
This is the lunchroom. 
These friends like us a bunch, 
And they always make sure, we have a good lunch!
I'm getting tired, as you can see
Room #223, is where I'll be! 

We weren't really sure where room 223 even was! Luckily Mr. Green, the custodian came in and gave us a clue to help us figured out where room 223 was. 
 So we headed back into our classroom! When we arrived there was a note on the smart board. 
Mrs. Rehder read the final note to us:
I've run and run and need some rest. 
I think Mrs. Rehder's Room is the best!
Enjoy my gift to you!

We felt pretty lucky that he picked our class to leave gingerbread cookies for! We had fun looking for him and decided he must be one smart cookie! Hope you enjoy our gingerbread rap!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Every day we start our day with a morning meeting, which means we sit in a circle and greet eachother through handshakes, high-fives, songs, tossing a ball, etc., then we all share something, next we do some sort of an activity to get our bodies moving or our brains thinking and last we read our morinng message. 

This morning our activity was a rhyme to get to learn more about each other!

#1 - Stack your thumbs.
#2 - Shoe to shoe.
#3 - Knee to knee.
#4 - Knock on the door.
#5 - Side by side.
#6 - Finger tips.
#7 - Count to Seven

(Then we pause to introduce ourselves and find out a little about each other with a prompt from me.)

#8 - Find a new mate.
Here our some pictures from our morning activity! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Beautiful Things!

This week one of our read alouds was called, "You're Beautiful As You Are." It is fable about a crow that wants to be just like a peacock because they are beautiful. He was unkind to his friends and told them they were dull and boring. Unfortunately, once he tried to be like a peacock and look like a peacock, he didn't really fit in. At the end we learned that "It's foolish to try and be what you're not. Learn to love the feathers you've got!" 

As a class we shared what we each thought was beautiful or special about ourselves. Each student was able to come up with their own ideas and share them with the class. Then we went around and each said something that we thought was beautiful. We got into 3 groups and the groups each drew things that were beautiful. 

At the end each group presented and did a "BEAUTIFUL" job! I was so impressed with how well they showcased their work! Kindergarten artwork always makes my heart feel happy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Our First Husky Huddle as Super Staff!

Once a month we get together as a school to have a Husky Huddle! It is a way for us to reinforce our Husky Pride rules, celebrate a student success, do fun greetings and activites together and show off our husky pride as a school! This year I was lucky enough to kick off the first Husky Huddle with Mrs. Brudwick (5th) and Mrs. Hansen (1st). We got to share with the students why we are ALL super staff at Hoover! Throughout the year we will find out why each and every student is so super too!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Partner Match

Today in math we played a game called Partner Match. The objective was so students would understand the concept of things that are shorter vs. longer and bigger vs. smaller. Each student randomly received a blue strip and when I said go, they had to find the other student with the matching strip. The difficult part for them was that they had to line the strips up from bottom to top. Some partners measured theirs in the air, while others laid them on the ground to compare. 

After finding their partner, they were to sit facing each other. Once everyone found their partner for that round, they had to answer a quiz question (Tell your partner how many siblings they had, if any. Talk about your favorite place. Share your favorite color.)

To practice at home you can walk around and find 2 objects that are the same length. Then find something shorter and something longer. Make sure that they are lining up the items from bottom to top. This helps when we get to our measuring units!